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  • 05/08/2018 12:03 PM | Deleted user
    It's already difficult creating effective learning for your audience. Throw in the mix that you need to understand your who your audience is too and that takes the difficulty to another level. Kimberly Devlin discusses andragogy - the art and science of teaching adults - and gives 6 characteristics of adult learners that you can use to improve your learning delivery.

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  • 04/30/2018 10:54 AM | Deleted user

    As you most likely know, technology is at the forefront of instructional design. Being aware of trends and best practices is crucial to your success in the design process. Bernard Marr explores the Articificial Intelligence (A.I.) courses that designers should know about in 2018.

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  • 04/30/2018 10:01 AM | Deleted user

    Not able to attend the sessions for the second part of our 3 part virtual series on using science to select, develop and coach your team members.? Below is a link for the recorded session of Part 2 that introduced how understanding preferred behavioral styles, motivations, and natural strengths or talents combine to create greater self-awareness and authenticity resulting in improved performance.   There is still room to register for Part 3, sessions scheduled for 5/15 from 11am - 1:30pm and 5/21 from 6:30pm - 8pm.  Go to ATD VOS Events page to register.

    Recorded Session

  • 04/23/2018 4:44 PM | Deleted user

    Having the right people in the right roles is something every business strives for. Ram Ramesh discusses through his experience how employee engagement drove his businesses to improve talent management and make sure the right people were in the right roles.

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  • 04/18/2018 1:06 PM | Deleted user

    Each year you inevitably set resolutions for yourself for personal or professional reasons. It's time to take that approach with with your instructional design. Sarah Mercier gives us 3 resolutions to set for instructional design and development.

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  • 04/10/2018 12:44 PM | Deleted user

    In the L&D world, we constantly look for ways to increase learner 

    engagement and achieve the learning objectives. We are looking to improve performance and create a culture of learning that is sustainable. Up until now

    , L&D has fought that fight. What if it no longer was feasible for one person/group to manage? Stephen Gill and David Grebow discuss the future of learning and how it is shifting to the hands of managers and employees. 

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  • 03/26/2018 11:08 AM | Deleted user

    In his transition into retirement, Charles Engle leaves us with 5 suggestions for implementing an effecive knowledge transfer. Although, published in 2013, the suggestions still hold true for effective knowledgement management.

    - Work priorities often interfere with taking the time for co-workers to just sit down and review the work being done.

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  • 03/22/2018 11:02 AM | Deleted user

    ATD VOS proudly launched a three-part virtual series with Dave Gregory and Lee Pemberton from Conatus3.

    What's the difference between the stud and the dud? How can I clone the stud?

    They introduce the success path to better understand how to find the right people and how to develop them in the right way so that your organization can ultimately sustain growth and grow profits.

    In addition to presenting the research Dave and Lee also gave the participants access the Conatus3 insights profile assessment.

    It's not too late to register for all three events --- including this one!

    #1 (second offering) on March 28th Identifying the Right Fit Candidate: How Science is Changing the Candidate Selection Process

    #2 The Zone of Individual Excellence: The WHAT, WHY & HOW of Human Performance offered on both on April 11th and on April 26th.

    #3 Retaining Top Performers: Aligning Purpose to Mission offered both on May 15th and on May 21st.

  • 03/19/2018 11:26 AM | Deleted user

     Joe Willmore met with 17 senior practitioners and includes audio of the thought leader session and thought leaders in the performance management field to get their input on determining how performance improvement has changed and what challenges lie ahead. This article outlines those talking points.

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