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Training Delivery & Facilitation SIG - Raise Retention!

  • 04/27/2022
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual Session


  • Free!

Registration is closed

If you're looking to share experiences, challenges, and connections with like-minded peers who focus on training delivery and facilitation, ATD VOS can help you find your tribe!  SIGs are free for ATD VOS Members!

Training Delivery & Facilitation Special Interest Group

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Arizona

Virtual Session

During the April Training Delivery & Facilitation SIG, we'll help to guide an interactive conversation around summarization techniques that can help boost learner retention and memory!

Possible discussion questions will center around...

  • What are some of the best interactive, repetitive techniques you have used to boost learner retention?

  • Involving emotion and movement has been shown to prove better retention of new information. How have you used movement or emotion in active learning sessions? 
  • Which techniques work well virtually?
  • If you're back in-person, what are some great tips that have helped your learners grasp the most important takeaways?

  • Think-Pair-Share is a strong practice. Which others do you prefer?

  • Where do you seek fresh ideas for building learner retention of complex topics?

  • And other related ideas!

Join us to share your own insight and hear from your peers!

What is the group?

In our Training Delivery & Facilitation Special Interest Group, we will focus on the Training Delivery and Facilitation capability of ATD's Talent Development Capability Model™.  Each session will have a focused topic, but we welcome a diverse and organic discussion that may lead to other brilliant ideas. The ATD VOS Training Delivery & Facilitation SIG will meet every other month in 2022.

Who can attend?

All learning, development, and talent professionals are welcome to join--whether you've just been told you're to train the new hire or you're a skillful facilitator who can handle the toughest of participants.

How does ATD define 'delivery and facilitation?'

Training delivery and facilitation are means by which talent development professionals help individuals improve performance at work by learning new skills and knowledge. The practitioner serves as a catalyst for learning by understanding the learner’s needs, creating the right environment for learning, building rapport with participants, and using the appropriate delivery options and media to make learning engaging, effective, relevant, and applicable.

Association for Talent Development Arizona Chapter is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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