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Preparing New Leaders for Frontline Management Webinar

05/15/2018 12:23 PM | Deleted user

Preparing New Leaders for Frontline 

There's a lot of hoopla right now about the strengths and weaknesses of the Millennial generation as they continue their steady entrance into the workforce. But one thing is clear: as Baby Boomer retirements continue (19,000 a day for the next decade), our firstline leaders and team managers likely will be drawn from the Millennial ranks.

Organizations that have not developed retention plans for their Millennial workforce are already experiencing the cost of churn as these workers leave their first jobs. Seeking continuous learning, as well as the opportunity to lead meaningful projects that make an impact in the world, Millennials intend to go where thier skills are valued and developed. It can cost $25,000 to replace a Millennial employee, but the retention solution is right in front of any forward-thinking organization; develop the skills of your emerging leaders now and prepare them for increasing responsibility in their first management roles.

Join Cynthia Clay as we explore the path to leadership for our next generation of leaders.

After this one-hour webinar, you'll be able to:

  • Describe the leadershio skills prized by emerging leaders
  • Ensure that your organization attracts and retains Millennial talent
  • Develop emerging leadership skills in Self-Development, Performance Management, Team Performance, and Organizational Impact
  • Bring NetSpeed Leadership to your organization

Who Should Attend

  • Leaders in Talent Management and Leadership Development
  • Directors in Human Resources, Training & Development, and Organizational Management
  • Anyone who is responsible for attracting, retaining, and developing the skills of emerging leaders

Association for Talent Development Arizona Chapter is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

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